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Our School

Community School model increasing school readiness.

The Woodland Early Learning Community School is an example of the District’s response to the challenges and opportunities. The community school is both a place and a set of partnerships between the school and other community resources. It operates on the premise that learning occurs well before elementary school begins and is best supported through integrated programs and services that support children and more effectively engage and support their families. The school engages a number of community partners co-locating to meet the social, emotional and physical needs of children and their families. These practices are consistent with Head Start Performance Standards and were developed and continuously monitored by a Parent Policy Committee at the WELCS.

Community Partner help support needs of the children and their families.

A Community School is both a place and a set of partnerships between the school and other community resources to more effectively engage and support the social, emotional and physical needs of children and their families.

Community partners include:

Parents As Teachers

The KCPS Parents As Teachers program helps families develop good parenting skills as well as introduce them to the support services they and their children may need.

Local Investment Commission (LINC).

A LINC site coordinator coordinates the recruitment of family support programs and activities to help strengthen families and assist them in tackling the many issues low-income families face in maintaining a healthy home for their children to grow and flourish.